User privacy policy_Niki

User privacy policy

Introduction after referred to as Niki) is owned and operared by Niki Group with registered address ROOM 2112C, 21/F, WITTY COMMERCIAL BUILDING, NOS. 1A-1L TUNG CHOI STREET KL.

This is the Privacy Policy of  Niki & next versions (“Niki”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) and is incorporated In this Privacy Policy, we refer to our products and services as the “Service” . Your use of the Service signifies that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, do not use the Service.
Information we collect
When you install the Service on your device and register with Niki, personally identifiable information about you may be collected during the download process for the Service (as requested from you during the download process) when you register with us. For registration through Niki, you are required to provide your mobile phone number or your email address, city location, gender, name, depending on the device(s) you are using on the Service. You may also provide personally identifiable information, but that is optional. When you log in using your Facebook,Google account, we may collect additional information you make available to us (see “Your User Profile”) below.

In addition, when you install the Service on your device and register with Niki, you may will be asked to allow us access to your address book. If you consent, we will have access to contact information in your address book on the devices you use for the Service (names, numbers, emails, and Facebook,Google ID, but not notes or other personal information in your address book) and we will store it on our servers and use it to help you use the Service, for example, by synchronizing your Niki contacts between different devices you may want to use with the Service. If you do not want Niki to store this information, you may opt-out through your account settings in the Niki application at any time. However we may not be able to offer some of the features that require this information.

Niki may also collect and gather non-personally identifiable information, such as certain profile information including country of residence and preferences. In addition, Niki may collect and store information about your and others’ usage of and interaction with the Service and our websites, including matches, numbers of matches made by members, match durations, text messages, usage by geographies, device and connection information, IP address, device capability, bandwidth, statistics on page views, network type and traffic to and from our websites.

Niki allows you to share text messages, photos, screenshots, videos and other communications in the Niki application with other users, and if you choose to do so your text messages, photos, screenshots, videos and other communications will be stored on our servers. In addition, if you choose to share these items with other Niki users, we may not be able to remove them from our servers or make them unavailable to anyone you have shared them with. Sending and sharing text messages, photos, screenshots, videos or other communications in the Niki application is your decision. By choosing to share that information, you should understand that you may no longer be able to control how that information is used and that it may become publicly available (depending in part on your actions or the actions of others with whom you have shared the information). Niki is not responsible for any use or misuse of information you share.

Niki may also collect and gather user contents (e.g., photos, screenshots, comments, and other materials) that you create on the Service. Your photo can be taken by other users on the Niki, and If they use capturing function provided by the Niki, those photos can be stored and used for Niki and 3rd party’s service(eg, Facebook,Google, etc.). You can change sharing option of 3rd party on the Niki settings. If you do not agree with all the terms of this Privacy Policy, do not use the Service.

To complete a commerce transaction on Niki item shop, you will be requested to provide your payment information, including your credit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billing address. In that event, we will transmit your information securely directly to a third party vendor or merchant who will collect such information in order to process and fulfill your purchase. Niki does not process or store your payment information. However, we may store other information about your purchases made on the Service, which may include the merchant’s name, the date, time and amount of the transaction and other behavioral information.

We also collect error-reporting information if the Service crashes or hangs up so that we can investigate the error and improve the stability of the Service for future releases. In general these reports do not contain personally identifiable information, or only incidentally. As part of these error reports, we receive information about the type and version of your device, the device identifier, the time the error occurred, the feature being used and the state of the application when the error occurred. We do not use this information for any purpose other than investigating and fixing the error. Sharing of your information We will not rent or sell your information to third parties without your consent, except as noted in this Policy. (Or the group of company to which Niki belongs )
IParties with whom we may share your information:

  • We may share User Content and your information (including but not limited to, information from cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, and usage data) with businesses that are legally part of the same group of companies that Nikiis part of, or that become part of that group (“Affiliates”). Affiliates may use this information to help provide, understand, and improve the Service (including by providing analytics) and Affiliates’ own services (including by providing you with better and more relevant experiences). But these Affiliates will honor the choices you make about who can see your contents.
  • We also may share your information as well as information from tools like cookies, log files, and device identifiers and location data, with third-party organizations that help us provide the Service to you (“Service Providers”). Our Service Providers will be given access to your information as is reasonably necessary to provide the Service under reasonable confidentiality terms.
  • We may also share aggregate or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of users our app receives. This information does not contain any personal or personally identifiable information, and is used to develop content and services that we hope you will find of interest.
  • We may remove parts of data that can identify you and share anonymized data with other parties. We may also combine your information with other information in a way that it is no longer associated with you and share that aggregated information.

Parties with whom you may choose to share your User Content:

  • Any information or content that you voluntarily disclose for posting to the Service, such as User Content, becomes available to the public. With this feature, Nikican be protected from exhibitionism. Once you have shared User Content or made it public, that User Content may be re-shared by others.
  • If you remove information and contents(eg. Screenshots, etc.) that you created on the Service, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of the Service, or if other Users or third parties have copied or saved that information.(eg. Facebook,Google, etc.)

IHow we use information we collect

We use or may disclose your personal information only as follows:

  • To verify your identity;
  • To connect you with others as enabled by the Service;
  • To share your Profile with others on the Service;
  • To allow your use of certain features of the Service that may be offered from time to time (such as Premium Services (see our Terms of Use), etc.);
  • To show you the names of persons you communicate with and to show your name to persons you communicate with on the Service;
  • To deliver to you any administrative notices, alerts and communications relevant to your use of the Service;
  • To provide you with relevant content that you requested, using information that you allow us to collect from you or that you provide to a social media provider with which your Nikiaccount is connected, such as information regarding your and your Nikicontacts’ respective locations;
  • To contact you via email, SMS or otherwise for the purpose of informing you about new products, services or promotions offered by Niki(you can opt-out of such emails or SMSs by sending an email to;
  • For internal operations, including troubleshooting problems, data analysis, testing, research, improvements to the Service, detecting and protecting against error, fraud or other illegal activity;
  • When we have a good faith belief that the law, any legal process, law enforcement, national security or issue of public importance requires disclosure;
  • To protect and defend our rights or property (including to enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements); or
  • In connection with a corporate transaction involving Niki, such as the purchase or sale of a business unit, an acquisition, merger, sale of assets, or other similar event.
    IYour User Profile

The information you enter into your user profile (your “Profile”) may be shared with your Niki contacts. You control your Profile and you can access and modify your Profile from the Niki application at any time. In addition, if you register with Niki using your Facebook,Google account (e.g. Facebook,Google Connect), we may store your Facebook,Google ID and corresponding token on our servers and, if you give us your express consent, we will have access to and may collect certain information that you make available on Facebook,Google (for example, your first and last names, email address, profile picture, your friend lists and birthdays). Your Profile is available to other users of the Service who are connected to you on Niki. In addition, unless you opt-out (which you may do at any time in the Niki application), your Profile is discoverable by other Niki users, including by way of example in listings of contacts that will include your proximity to other users. You may also “block out” any Niki user in your contact list from discovering your Profile at any time. In addition, Niki may pre-populate your Profile with certain information such as your name and Facebook,Google profile picture if you or your friends have logged onto the Service using Facebook,Google.
IData Access and Removal

You can always control what information you choose to share with us on the Service. To do so, you can change your settings in the Service or in your mobile device. Alternatively, you can remove the Service from your mobile device entirely.

You can remove your data anytime you want. If you ask us to delete your account, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove your data from our servers.

Any personally identifiable information that (i) you share in text messages, photos, videos or otherwise in or through the Niki application with other users, or (ii) submit on a blog, bulletin board or chat room on our website or elsewhere, can be viewed and used by others, including to send you unsolicited messages or to commit identity theft. Niki is not responsible for any use or misuse of your information that might result from your disclosure of information.

IService Providers

Niki may share your personal information with Niki’s third-party service providers, but only in connection with providing the services to you. For example, Niki shares your phone number or email with third party SMS and email providers to deliver the authentication SMS or email to you when you register with Niki. We contractually require that these third parties use your information solely to deliver SMS or email to you and to use appropriate security measures to protect your information. In addition, certain Niki servers are owned and hosted by third party service providers. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third party service providers.
IOutbound Links

If you accessed a website, product or service provided by a third party, including through the Service or a Niki website, such third party may also collect information about you. Please see the privacy policies of each such third party for more information about how they use the information they collect. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any exchange of information between you and any third party.

Niki allows you to choose not to receive Niki And promotional e-mail service provider.according to Niki or services For information about how to unsubscribe provider sent description choose to subscribe to that particular e-mail message Exit.You can also contact us at service to choose exit.


Protecting user privacy and personal information is a top priority Niki. We make substantial efforts to ensure the privacy of all personally identifiable information you provide to us. Access to all personally identifiable information is restricted to those Niki employees, contractors, agents and third-party service providers who need to know that information in order to provide, operate, develop, maintain, support or improve the Service. Niki uses password protection, access logs, and system monitoring to safeguard the confidentiality and security of all member information.

In addition, due to the inherent nature of the Internet and related technology, we do not guarantee the protection of information under our control against loss, misuse or alteration.
IData Transfer

Your information may be stored and processed in any country in which Niki maintains facilities,. In this regard, or for purposes of sharing or disclosing data as described in this Privacy Policy, Niki reserves the right to transfer information outside of your country. By using the Service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.


The Service is not directed to children under the age of eighteen (18) and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of eightteen as part of the Service. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from a user under the age of eighteen as part of the Service, we will delete such information from our records. If we change our practices in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of eighteen as part of the Service.
INotification of Changes

We reserve the right at our discretion to make changes to this Privacy Policy. You may review updates to our Privacy Policy at any time via links on our website. You agree to accept electronic communications and/or postings of a revised Privacy Policy on the Niki web site, and you agree that such electronic communications or postings constitute notice to you of the Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to modify this policy from time to time, so please review it frequently.

If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you by publishing a revised Privacy Policy or by means of a notice on our website, or as required by law. You agree to review the Privacy Policy periodically so that you are aware of any modifications. You agree that your continued use of the Service after we publish a revised Privacy Policy or provide a notice on our website constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of the Privacy Policy, you should not use the Service.
IContact information

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, Please contact us at personally identifiable information related to this privacy policy only for queries and responses in line with our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy released on October 20, 2022 .

User Recharge Agreement_Niki

Niki Live User Recharge Agreement

Hello dear users, please seriously read and sufficiently know and understand various rules and requirements at Niki Live platform and national laws and regulations about such kind of internet information service before agreeing to this agreement. If you object any clauses of the agreement, you may not use it; The usage of the agreement means you will consent to abide by all regulations under the agreement and any subsequent amendment in usage of agreement at any time, and completely obey our uniform management. The clauses which has or might have significant relationship with your rights and interests and the clauses which have or might have liability exemption or limited liabilities for Niki Live platform are marked with boldface in this Agreement. Please pay attention to that.

Please confirm that you own full capacity for civil conduct. If you are over 18 full years old or you are over 16 full years old and depend on your own labor income as main life source, you can register or use the service herein.

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1   Niki Live platform is a kind of convenient interaction social platform provided by Niki Live team (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the team”) for users. The platform will provide users with the virtual gift, technical support, flow entrance, etc. for the service needed in video social contact.

Article 2  The platform ownership, operating right and management right are owned by the team.

Article 3  The final power of interpretation of the agreement is owned by the team.

Chapter II Purchase Rule of “Coins” 

Article 4 “Coins” is the virtual currency provided by the team for you and used for relevant consumption on the platform. You can freely purchase various products or services on the platform such as the virtual gifts, etc. with the “Coins”. You can donate the purchased virtual gifts to the host. But, the “Coins” can’t be converted into real currency, and you shall purchase the corresponding quantity of “Coins” as per own actual demand.

Article 5 The recharge and conversion proportion between Coins and real currency shall be subject to the value on the recharge page.

The platform reserves the right to unilaterally change, adjust, suspend or terminate the rules of purchasing “Coins” with real currency in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, the requirements of competent department, business development condition, etc. You consent to unconditionally receive the change, adjustment, suspension or termination of the above purchase rules, and will notify the information on the platform when the platform carries out the above action. The notice automatically takes effect from the date of publication without informing you separately and separately and without undertaking any responsibility of loss caused to you due to such action. 

Article 6 You must carefully confirm own account number and select the relevant operation options when using the recharge method.If recharge into false account number, false selection of recharge type, etc. due to false input account number, improper operation or incomprehension of recharge and billing method, etc. damage own equity, the platform will not make any compensation. Users understands and consents that they shall know the risk and independently undertake the loss generated by the risk in terms of their any trade or donation not happening at platform such as bank transfer, the third-party payment platform, gift donation, etc. And the platform doesn’t undertake any responsibility of user behavior which doesn’t happen at platform. 

Article 7 If you recharge in illegal method or in the recharge method not designated by the platform, the platform doesn’t guarantee such recharge is completed smoothly or correctly. If your equity is damaged due to that reason, the platform wouldn’t make any compensation, and platform reserves the right of terminating your account qualification and using various recharge services at any time. 

Article 8 After successful recharge, the “Coins” added by recharge in account number can be freely used by you on platform, but the platform wouldn’t provide any service of return or reverse conversion.

Article 9 If the platform finds the processing error generated due to system fault or any other reason, the platform is entitled to notify you by e-mail or other reasonable methods before correcting such error regardless of being conductive to platform or you. If such measure causes the “Coins” quantity actually received by you is less than that you shall obtain, the platform would complement the balance in your account as soon as possible after confirming such processing error. If such error causes the “Coins” quantity actually received by you is more than that you shall obtain, the platform is entitled to directly deduct the balance from your account regardless of the nature and reason of error. 

Chapter III Right Declaration 

Article 10 You can view the balance condition of your “Coins” on mobile phone APP at any time. If you have objection on such record, you shall immediately propose to platform, and the platform will correct the error after verrification; Otherwise you consent the transaction record on platform will be regarded as the only effective basis of “Coins” transaction.

Article 11 The platform is entitled to set up the relevant matters involving transaction at any time based on the transaction safety, etc., including but not limited to the transaction quota, transaction times, etc. You know the above-mentioned setting of platform may be inconvenient for your transaction, and you have no objection to this.

Article 12 In any case, the responsibility of the third party in providing the relevant services involved when you purchase “Coins” is undertaken by the third party, the platform doesn’t undertake such responsibility. 

Article 13 Upon recharge, you shall ensure you are the holder of the bound account and can use such account legally and effectively without infringing the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, otherwise, for the loss of actual owner of account caused due to that, you shall be separately responsible for solving the disputes generated due to that and undertaking all legal responsibilities. 

Article 14 For the failure of providing “Coins” purchase service by platform due to your own reason or any error happened upon providing the “Coins” purchase service, any loss or responsibility is undertaken by yourself voluntarily and the platform doesn’t undertake the responsibility, including but not limited to:

(1) You fails to operate as per any rule published in the agreement or at platform at any time; (2) Your account number loses efficacy, is lost and closed; (3) The property loss incurred due to notifying others of password by you; (4) The property loss incurred due to your individual intention or major fault.

Article 15 The platform system can’t operate normally due to the following conditions, as a result, you can’t use various services or any virtual property is lost, then the team doesn’t undertake the compensation for damage responsibility. Such condition includes, but not limited to: (1) During the system shut-down for maintenance, updating and adjustment announced on the platform; (2) The telecommunication or equipment suffers fault and fails to transmit data. (3) The business can’t be implemented when the platform system has fault due to the force majeure such as the typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, outage, war, terrorist attack, government regulations, etc.; (4) The Service is suspended or delayed due to hacker attack, technical modifications or failure of telecommunication department, website upgrading, problems of the relevant third party, etc.

Chapter IV Rules of Punishment 

Article 16 In case of any following condition, the platform is entitled to suspend or terminate providing you with the network service under the agreement without notifying you at any time: (1) The personal information provided by you is not true; (2) You violate the purchase rule as specified in the agreement. Except for the situations above mentioned, the platform will reserve the right to suspend or terminate part of or all internet recharge service without informing you in advance, and the platform will not bear any responsibilities for you or any third party for any loss caused by suspending or terminating the recharge service.

Article 17 If the users illegally use the App Store recharge agency of others’ iPhone or illegally purchase “Coins” through other channels which aren’t recognized by platform, the platform is entitled to freeze such account and conduct the corresponding punishment, and the account can be sealed if the condition is severe.

Article 18 Recharge Terms for Minors

Juveniles are not familiar with the world and are easily confused by the virtual world. Guardians should pay more attention to the growth of juveniles, provide correct guidance to juveniles in using this product or service, prevent juveniles from accessing the payment information of their guardians’ Niki Live accounts and third-party accounts, and remind juveniles to pay attention to network security issues, so as to promote the healthy growth of juveniles.

2 .You must be of lawful age to enter into a contract in the jurisdiction where you reside in order to use Niki Live. Niki Live reserves the right to request documents and information from you and to suspend or terminate your account if you are not of lawful age to contract.


Article 19 Confidentiality Obligation

  1. Economic, direct or indirect losses shall be compensated by you. Trade secret refers to all practical and non-public information provided by Niki LIVE, or learned by you during the use of platform services, or undertaken by Niki Live to keep confidential to a third party. This information is related to Niki Live business and can bring economic benefits to Niki Live , including but not limited to technical information, business information and information related to Niki Lives information and documents related to the administration of Niki Live (including these Terms of Service and other related policies or agreements), the amount and settlement method of service fees you receive from Niki Live, standards, ownership methods, authorization methods, customer lists, lists of other anchors, contact information, service fees, Niki Live staff lists and other non-public information.

2. You shall strictly abide by this Agreement. Without the written authorization or consent of Niki Live, you shall not:

(1) In any way, disclose to a third party or the general public.

(2) Use the trade secrets of Niki Live for purposes other than those specified in this Agreement.

3. This clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.



Article 20 Prohibition of Money Laundering

1. ‘Money laundering’ refers to the proceeds of crime and the proceeds generated by it through the concealment and disguise of its source and nature, so as to make it formally legalized behavior. 

2. The user undertakes to strictly abide by anti-money laundering laws and regulations in its business activities and not to engage in any money laundering activities.

3. The user shall cooperate with the work of anti-money laundering regulatory bodies, truthfully provide anti-money laundering related information, in the discovery of suspicious transactions, should be promptly reported to the anti-money laundering regulatory bodies

4. The user shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility if the user’s fulfillment of anti-money laundering obligations leads to criminal money laundering activities due to intent or negligence.


Article 21 If the users violate the national laws and regulations, User Registration Protocol, User Recharge Agreement, the agreement or management regulations of users on other platforms when using the platform, the platform is entitled to ban your account number temporarily or permanently. After sealing of account and before ban lifting, the remaining “Coins” on your account will be frozen temporarily or deducted completely, the virtual products or services on purchase platform can’t be used continuously, in the meantime, the cash value of purchased “Coins” isn’t returned.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions 

Article 22 The platform reserves the right of amending or supplementing the contents in the agreement. The amended document of the agreement will be announced on the platform or in other feasible methods of platform. The amended document immediately takes effect once released and is also suitable to the users before validation. If you continue using the service after the amendment of contents in the agreement, you are regarded to consent the agreement contents with the latest revision; Otherwise, you shall immediately stop using the service.

Article 23 The disputes incurred due to the agreement or related to the agreement will be solved by platform by negotiating with you. If the negotiation fails, any party is entitled to file a lawsuit to the local court with jurisdiction of the place where the agreement is concluded and signed.

Article 24 If part of contents in this Agreement is regarded to be illegal or invalid by the court with jurisdiction, the validity of other contents shall not be affected.

Article 25 Please refer to the relevant national laws and regulations for matters not mentioned herein. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and national laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail.

Member Description_Niki

Member description

1、 Contents of Member Services

Members support continuous monthly subscription. After you pay to open the member service, you can enjoy various exclusive privileges and value-added services within the corresponding service period.

Niki Live member automatic subscription service description

Subscription service: Niki Live members have a continuous monthly subscription (1 month)

Payment: after confirming the purchase and making payment, the payment will be credited to the iTunes account

Renewal: the Apple iTunes account will deduct the fee within 24 hours before the expiration, and the subscription period will be extended by one subscription period after the deduction

Cancel renewal: to cancel renewal, please click [Apple ID] – select [View Apple ID] – enter [account settings] – click [subscription] on [settings] – enter [iTunes Store and app store] – select Niki Live member to cancel subscription. If the subscription is not closed at least 24 hours before the end of the subscription period, the subscription will be automatically renewed

2、 About paid services

You understand and agree that the member subscription service is a paid service, and Niki Live will charge the Internet value-added service usage fee; You can check the specific period and corresponding fees of the member subscription service on the relevant service page and choose the service type by yourself. After the member subscription function is enabled, no matter whether you actually use the service or access the electronic content within the corresponding service period, the paid fees do not support refund.

You understand and agree that Niki Live has the right to revise the charging standards and rules related to member subscription services at its own discretion from time to time. Such standards and rules will become effective once they are published and form an effective part of this clause. If you do not agree with the above standards, rules and amendments, you have the right to stop using the member subscription service. If you continue to use the member subscription service, you will be deemed to agree to the relevant content.

III. Disclaimer

Niki Live has the right to independently determine the specific content of the member subscription service according to the product plan and operation, and has the right to add or remove the electronic content or suspend or terminate the provision of some services of the member subscription service according to the copyright of the electronic content. The foregoing decision will take effect without notice. You agree that Niki Live is exempt from this responsibility.